Sunday, August 29, 2010


A product of the year's oil spill disaster: Engulfed, 17" x 23", oil on canvas, 2010.
The spill is a message that reliance on domestic oil is not a long-term option. As the war shows that reliance on foreign oil is also not a long-term option, it is time to come together as a global community and demand investments in wind and solar power.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Sidewalk

The Sidewalk, 28" x 40", oil on canvas, 2010. This painting represents my further metaphorical exploration of the human condition in the natural world. Sometimes a person must go against the flow of things...

Monday, August 2, 2010

New Painting

Well it's been a while since my last post, but I've been busy painting and building frames. This is an image of one of my newest paintings: The Lynching, 48" x 33", oil on canvas.

I thought about calling it the Execution of Prop 8, as it is a reference to one of the front-running legal and social issues of today. That title is also a play off the titles of Goya's The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid and Manet's The Execution of the Emperor Maximilian. But I ultimately decided that The Lynching is a broader, more ambiguous title which opens the painting up to interpretation.